Sl.No | Name of the Participant |
Title of the FDP / professional development
/ administrative training program |
Certificate |
2017-18 |
1 | Dr.B.Chandra Mouli, Lecture in Botany | Organic Farming, Seed Technology, & Horticulture | CLICK HERE |
2 | Dr.G.Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in History | History Writing, Office Management & Secretarial Practice | CLICK HERE |
3 | Dr.P.Manjula Lecturer in Commerce | History writing, office management & secretarial practice | CLICK HERE |
4 | Dr.T.Bhushan Rao, Lecturer in Zoology | Aquaculture culture technology, sericulture management and paramedical science | CLICK HERE |
5 | Dr.N.Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce | Research methodology in social science &arts | CLICK HERE |
6 | Dr.V.K.T . Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | Winter program under refresher course on language & literature | CLICK HERE |
7 | Dr.B. Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | Winter program under refresher course on language & literature | CLICK HERE |
8 | Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | 48th orientation course | CLICK HERE |
9 | Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Lecturer in Mathematics | Computational methods and parallel processing in science and technology | CLICK HERE |
10 | Dr.P.Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in Chemistry | “Basic principles and Research Advancements in Life Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences” | CLICK HERE |
2018-19 |
1 | Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Lecturer in Mathematics | One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE | CLICK HERE |
2 | Dr.V.K.T.Maha Lakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE | CLICK HERE |
3 | Dr.N. Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce | One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE | CLICK HERE |
4 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE | CLICK HERE |
5 | Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE | CLICK HERE |
6 | Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | International women’s health and human rights | CLICK HERE |
7 | Dr.N.Nirmala Kumari, Lecturer in Commerce | International women’s health and human rights | CLICK HERE |
8 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | International Women’s health and human rights | CLICK HERE |
9 | Dr.G. Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in History | Inter disciplinary refresher course in environmental sciences | CLICK HERE |
10 | Dr.B. Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | Inter disciplinary refresher course in environmental sciences | CLICK HERE |
11 | Dr.J. Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany | Inter disciplinary refresher course in environmental sciences | CLICK HERE |
12 | Dr.A.V.Ramesh, Lecturer in Chemistry | Refresher course in chemistry for Higher Education Faculty | CLICK HERE |
13 | Dr.P.Kiran kumar, Lecturer in Chemistry | Refresher course in chemistry for Higher Education Faculty | CLICK HERE |
14 | Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany | Refresher Course –Cirriculum Design and e- content development | CLICK HERE |
2019-20 |
1 | Dr.P.Manjula, Leturer in Commerce | 48th Orientation programme | CLICK HERE |
2 | Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Department of Mathematics | Inter disciplinary refresher course in research methodology for sciences & social science | CLICK HERE |
3 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | Refresher course in life sciences | CLICK HERE |
4 | Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Lecturer in Mathematics | Recent advances in mathematics and mathematical science | CLICK HERE |
5 | Dr.A.Venkata Ramesh, Lecturer in Chemistry | Refresher course in chemistry | CLICK HERE |
6 | Dr. P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | Refresher course in commerce | CLICK HERE |
7 | Dr.G.Kiran kumar, Lecturer in History | Oriented course | CLICK HERE |
8 | Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | Research methodology | CLICK HERE |
9 | Dr.P.Manjula, Assistant Professor in Commerce | HEI’s: POST-2020 QUALITY ENDURES | CLICK HERE |
10 | Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | One week faculty development programme on “ICT based tools and its applications in teaching learning process | CLICK HERE |
2020-21 |
1 | Dr.N.Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce | One week virtual faculty development programme on “E-learning tools for MOOC and creation of own MOOC courses | CLICK HERE |
2 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | One week virtual faculty development programme on “E-learning tools for MOOC and creation of own MOOC courses | CLICK HERE |
3 | Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | One week virtual faculty development programme on “E-learning tools for MOOC and creation of own MOOC courses | CLICK HERE |
4 | Dr.N.Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce | E-Commerce & digital marketing | CLICK HERE |
5 | Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | Participated APSSDC online FDP on Tally Naipunya | CLICK HERE |
6 | Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany | Coastal disaster risk reduction & resilience | CLICK HERE |
7 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | Two week online faculty development programme | CLICK HERE |
8 | Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany | One week online faculty development programme (FDP) on “impacting ICT Tool’s & techniques for effective online teaching – learning methodology during COVID-19 | CLICK HERE |
9 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | Faculty development programme on “Telugu language, literature and journalism” | CLICK HERE |
10 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | Completed the course “Understand Gita in 18 days” | CLICK HERE |
11 | Smt.M.Vidya Kalpana, Department of Chemistry | Participated in “5 days faculty development programme in chemistry” | CLICK HERE |
12 | Sri.P.Kiran Kumar, Department of Chemistry | Participated in “5 days faculty development programme in chemistry” | CLICK HERE |
13 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | Two weeks faculty development programme on “Advanced concepts for developing MOOCS” | CLICK HERE |
14 | Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | Two weeks faculty development programme on “Advanced concepts for developing MOOCS” | CLICK HERE |
15 | Dr.T.Bhushan Rao, Lecturer in Zoology | Participated in “A Five-day faculty development programme in zoology” | CLICK HERE |
16 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | One week e-FDP on “Advances in pharmaceutical education” based upon PCI syllabus for UG PG courses | CLICK HERE |
17 | Sri.B.Nageswararao, Lecturer in of Physics | Participated in “A Five –day APCCE – US faculty development programme on new knowledge in physics and energy materials | CLICK HERE |
18 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in Botany” | CLICK HERE |
19 | Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in Botany” | CLICK HERE |
20 | Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in Commerce” | CLICK HERE |
21 | Dr.P.Kiran kumar, Department of Chemistry | One week national online FDP entitled Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education | CLICK HERE |
22 | Dr.P.Kiran kumar, Department of Chemistry | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” | CLICK HERE |
23 | Smt.M.vidyakalpana, Department of Chemistry | “Recent developments in chemical research for societal applications” | CLICK HERE |
24 | Sri.P.Kiran kumar, Department of Chemistry | “Recent developments in chemical research for societal applications” | CLICK HERE |
25 | Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” | CLICK HERE |
26 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” | CLICK HERE |
27 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” | CLICK HERE |
28 | Smt.M.vidyakalpana, Department of Chemistry | Participated in “Latest trends in engineering, science and technology: nanomaterials” | CLICK HERE |
29 | Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany | Participated in “Plants for food and health care” | CLICK HERE |
30 | Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu | Participated in “Telugu language literatures - modern perspectives – pedagogy training skills” | CLICK HERE |
31 | Sri.M.Vidyakalpana, Lecturer in Chemistry | Participated in “Revised assessment and accreditation framework of NAAC” | CLICK HERE |
32 | Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi | Participated in “Revised assessment and accreditation framework of NAAC” | CLICK HERE |
33 | Smt.M.Vidyakalpana, Lecturer in Chemistry | Participated in “Innovative pedagogy for faculty of higher education” | CLICK HERE |
2021-22 |
1 | Sri.P.S.Jaggarao, Lecturer in physics | Yoga for Unity & Well-Being(100 days of yoga program) | CLICK HERE |
2 | Sri P.Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in Chemistry | PODCAST | CLICK HERE |
3 | Sri.P.S. Jaggarao, Lecturer in physics | Mastering Self – Motivation and Attitude-Art of Living. | CLICK HERE |
4 | Sri Kanumuri Venkanna, Lecturer in physics | Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions | CLICK HERE |
5 | Sri. P.S. Jaggarao, Lecturer in physics | Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions | CLICK HERE |
6 | Dr. Balaraju Chandramouli, Lecturer in botany | Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions | CLICK HERE |
7 | Dr.V.A.Satyanarayana, Lecturer in telugu | Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions | CLICK HERE |
8 | Sri M.Kishore, Lecturer in commerce | CLICK HERE | |
9 | Sri.V.Chittibabu, Lecturer in commerce | ||