Sl.No   Name of the Participant 

 Title of the FDP / professional development

 / administrative training program



1  Dr.B.Chandra Mouli, Lecture in Botany  Organic Farming, Seed Technology, &   Horticulture   CLICK HERE 
2  Dr.G.Kiran Kumar,  Lecturer in History  History Writing, Office Management &   Secretarial    Practice  CLICK HERE
3  Dr.P.Manjula  Lecturer in Commerce  History writing, office management &   secretarial practice CLICK HERE
4  Dr.T.Bhushan Rao, Lecturer in Zoology   Aquaculture culture technology, sericulture   management and paramedical science   CLICK HERE
5  Dr.N.Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce   Research methodology in social science   &arts  CLICK HERE
6  Dr.V.K.T . Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu  Winter program under refresher course on   language & literature   CLICK HERE
7  Dr.B. Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi  Winter program under refresher course on   language & literature  CLICK HERE
8  Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce  48th orientation course CLICK HERE
9  Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Lecturer in Mathematics  Computational methods and parallel   processing in science and technology CLICK HERE
10  Dr.P.Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in Chemistry “Basic principles and Research       Advancements  in Life Sciences and   Pharmaceutical Sciences” CLICK HERE


1  Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Lecturer in  Mathematics  One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE CLICK HERE
2  Dr.V.K.T.Maha Lakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu  One week orientation workshop on OER,  content development, MOOCS and MOODLE CLICK HERE
3  Dr.N. Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce  One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE CLICK HERE
4  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany  One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE CLICK HERE
5  Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce  One week orientation workshop on OER, content development, MOOCS and MOODLE CLICK HERE
6  Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi  International women’s health and human   rights CLICK HERE
7  Dr.N.Nirmala Kumari, Lecturer in Commerce  International women’s health and human   rights CLICK HERE
8  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu  International Women’s health and human   rights CLICK HERE
9  Dr.G. Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in History  Inter disciplinary refresher course in   environmental sciences CLICK HERE
10   Dr.B. Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi  Inter disciplinary refresher course in   environmental sciences CLICK HERE
11  Dr.J. Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany  Inter disciplinary refresher course in   environmental sciences CLICK HERE
12  Dr.A.V.Ramesh, Lecturer in Chemistry  Refresher course in chemistry for Higher   Education Faculty CLICK HERE
13  Dr.P.Kiran kumar, Lecturer in Chemistry  Refresher course in chemistry for Higher   Education Faculty CLICK HERE
14  Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany  Refresher Course –Cirriculum Design and e-   content development CLICK HERE

1  Dr.P.Manjula, Leturer in Commerce  48th Orientation programme CLICK HERE
2  Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Department of Mathematics  Inter disciplinary refresher course in research   methodology for sciences & social science CLICK HERE
3  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany  Refresher course in life sciences CLICK HERE
4  Dr.A.Krishna Rao, Lecturer in Mathematics  Recent advances in mathematics and   mathematical science CLICK HERE
5  Dr.A.Venkata Ramesh, Lecturer in Chemistry  Refresher course in chemistry  CLICK HERE
6  Dr. P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce  Refresher course in commerce  CLICK HERE
7  Dr.G.Kiran kumar, Lecturer in History   Oriented course CLICK HERE
8  Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce  Research methodology CLICK HERE
9  Dr.P.Manjula, Assistant  Professor in Commerce  HEI’s: POST-2020 QUALITY ENDURES CLICK HERE
10  Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi  One week faculty development programme   on “ICT based tools and its applications in   teaching learning process CLICK HERE

1  Dr.N.Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce  One week virtual faculty development   programme on “E-learning tools for MOOC   and creation of own MOOC courses CLICK HERE
2  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu  One week virtual faculty development   programme on “E-learning tools for MOOC   and creation of own MOOC courses CLICK HERE
3  Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi  One week virtual faculty development   programme on “E-learning tools for MOOC   and creation of own MOOC courses CLICK HERE
4  Dr.N.Nirmala kumari, Lecturer in Commerce  E-Commerce & digital marketing CLICK HERE
5  Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce  Participated  APSSDC online FDP on Tally   Naipunya   CLICK HERE
6  Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany  Coastal disaster risk reduction & resilience  CLICK HERE
7  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu  Two week online faculty development   programme CLICK HERE
8  Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany  One week online faculty development   programme (FDP) on “impacting ICT Tool’s   & techniques for effective online teaching –   learning methodology during COVID-19  CLICK HERE
9  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu  Faculty development programme on “Telugu   language, literature and journalism” CLICK HERE
10  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany  Completed the course “Understand Gita in     18 days” CLICK HERE
11  Smt.M.Vidya Kalpana, Department of Chemistry  Participated in “5 days faculty development   programme in chemistry” CLICK HERE
12  Sri.P.Kiran Kumar, Department of Chemistry Participated in “5 days faculty development programme in chemistry” CLICK HERE
13  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu Two weeks faculty development programme on “Advanced concepts for developing MOOCS” CLICK HERE
14  Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi Two weeks faculty development programme on “Advanced concepts for developing MOOCS” CLICK HERE
15  Dr.T.Bhushan Rao, Lecturer in Zoology Participated in “A Five-day faculty development programme in zoology” CLICK HERE
16  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany One week e-FDP on “Advances in pharmaceutical education” based upon PCI syllabus for UG PG courses  CLICK HERE
17  Sri.B.Nageswararao, Lecturer in of Physics Participated in “A Five –day APCCE – US faculty development programme on new knowledge in physics and energy materials CLICK HERE
18  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in Botany” CLICK HERE
19  Dr.J.Lavanya, Lecturer in Botany Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in Botany” CLICK HERE
20  Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in Commerce” CLICK HERE
21  Dr.P.Kiran kumar, Department of Chemistry  One week national online FDP entitled Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education  CLICK HERE
22  Dr.P.Kiran kumar, Department of Chemistry Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” CLICK HERE
23  Smt.M.vidyakalpana, Department of Chemistry “Recent developments in chemical research for societal applications”  CLICK HERE
24  Sri.P.Kiran kumar, Department of Chemistry “Recent developments in chemical research for societal applications”  CLICK HERE
25  Dr.P.Manjula, Lecturer in Commerce Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” CLICK HERE
26  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” CLICK HERE
27  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu Participated in “5 day faculty development programme in LMS video & pedagogy” CLICK HERE
28  Smt.M.vidyakalpana, Department of Chemistry Participated in “Latest trends in engineering, science and technology: nanomaterials” CLICK HERE
29  Dr.B.Chandramouli, Lecturer in Botany Participated in “Plants for food and health care” CLICK HERE
30  Dr.V.K.T.Mahalakshmi, Lecturer in Telugu Participated in “Telugu language literatures - modern perspectives – pedagogy training skills” CLICK HERE
31  Sri.M.Vidyakalpana, Lecturer  in Chemistry Participated in “Revised assessment and accreditation framework of NAAC” CLICK HERE
32  Dr.B.Laxmi, Lecturer in Hindi Participated in “Revised assessment and accreditation framework of NAAC” CLICK HERE
33  Smt.M.Vidyakalpana, Lecturer in Chemistry Participated in “Innovative pedagogy for faculty of higher education” CLICK HERE

1  Sri.P.S.Jaggarao, Lecturer in physics   Yoga for Unity & Well-Being(100 days of yoga program) CLICK HERE
2  Sri P.Kiran Kumar, Lecturer in Chemistry PODCAST CLICK HERE
3  Sri.P.S. Jaggarao, Lecturer in physics Mastering Self – Motivation and Attitude-Art of Living. CLICK HERE
4  Sri Kanumuri Venkanna, Lecturer in physics Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions CLICK HERE
5  Sri. P.S. Jaggarao, Lecturer in physics Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions CLICK HERE
6  Dr. Balaraju Chandramouli, Lecturer in botany Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions CLICK HERE
7  Dr.V.A.Satyanarayana, Lecturer in telugu Importance of Intellectual property Rights in Higher Education Institutions CLICK HERE
8  Sri M.Kishore, Lecturer in commerce   CLICK HERE
9  Sri.V.Chittibabu, Lecturer in commerce