Academic Council


 Sl.No  Chairman/Member Name of the Chairman / Member  Designation 
1  Chairperson   Dr.P.Chandra Sekhar  Principal
2  University Nominee  Prof. N.Chittbabu 

 Dept. of Chemical Engineering, A.U.College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam

3  University Nominee  Prof. S.Adiseshu

Dept. of Civil Engineering, A.U.College of Engineering (A), Visakhapatnam

4  University Nominee  Prof. S.Adiseshu  Dept. of Civil Engineering, A.U.College of Engineering (A), Visakhaptanam
5  Industry Experts     Smt. K Rama Kumari

 Board Director, Visakha Dairy 

6  Subject Expert  Sri A P Jagannadham  Expert in Commerce
7  Education Experts   Dr.M.Sivaiah

 Principal, Govt. Degree College,   Nakkapall

8  Law Experts   Y Dasu Babu  Advocate, Yellamanchili
9  Head of the Department   Sri K. Prema Sagar   HOD, Dept. of English
10  Head of the Department  Sri V. A. Satyanarayana  HOD, Dept. of Telugu
11  Head of the Department  Dr K. Sudha  HOD, Dept. of Hindi
12  Head of the Department  Dr. G.Kiran Kumar   HOD, Dept. of History
13  Head of the Department  Dr B. Venkata Ramana  HOD, Dept. of Economics
14  Head of the Department  Sri R. Rama Rao  HOD, Dept. of Commerce
15  Head of the Department  Sri Ch.Vijaya Kumar  HOD, Dept. of Mathematics
16  Head of the Department  Sri P. S. JaggaRao  HOD, Dept. of Physics
17  Head of the Department  Kum.D.Nagalakshmi  HOD, Dept. of Chemistry
18  Head of the Department  Dr K. Vijaya Lakshmi   HOD, Dept. of Botany
19  Head of the Department  Dr A. Arjuna Appa Rao   HOD, Dept. of Zoology
20  Head of the Department  Sri D. Sai Charan  HOD, Dept. of Computer Science
21  Head of the Department  Dr. Y.Poli Reddy  HOD, Dept. of Physical Education 
22  Head of the Department  Sri. P.Visveswara Rao  HOD, Dept. of Library Science
23  Teachers of the college   representing different   categories of teaching   staff   Sri V.Chittibabu

 Lecturer in Commerce
24  Teachers of the college   representing different   categories of teaching   staff   Sri K.Venkanna

 Lecturer in Physics
25  Teachers of the college   representing different   categories of teaching   staff   Sri M.Kishore  Lecturer in Commerce
26  Teachers of the college   representing different   categories of teaching   staff   Dr.K.Sujatha  Lecturer in Zoology
27  Controller of the   Examination  Sri R Rama Rao  HOD, Dept. of Commerce

 A faculty member   nominated by the   Principal (Member   Secretary).

 Sri P S JaggaRao  HOD, Academic Coordinator


Functions of the Academic Council

  1. To scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi, and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto, etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
  2. To make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of study in the college keeping in view the policy of the Government.
  3. To make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
  4. To recommend to the Governing Body proposals for the institution of new programmes of study.
  5. To recommend to the Governing Body the institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes, and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
  6. To advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs.
  7. To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.